Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog 6: Vlog – VListen and VTalk to Our Audience

Vlogging is here and it’s the next big thing! From personal vlogs to corporate vlogs…everyone’s vlogging. Vlogging personalities like Philip DeFranco and Blendtec’s Tom Dickson are famous (or infamous!) and everyone’s watching them. I’d like to put the spotlight on a lesser known organization like the Ecuadorian Rainforest which has been a regular part of the vlogging scene for over a year. In my eyes, the Ecuadorian Rainforest vlog is an excellent example of how organizations can effectively employ the vlog medium for building relationships with stakeholders.

Great tips from the Ecuadorian Rainforest vlog:
(1) Opening: Video opening with organizational logo and subtitles stating the speaker’s name, designation and location help establish the context of the video. The viewer immediately knows who the video is from and who the speaker is.

(2) Speaker: Choosing the right company spokesperson is key. The speaker’s designation (VP, Ecuadorian Rainforest) conveys credibility and source legitimacy, and the audience knows he's qualified to speak on the organization's behalf. The speaker has a confident personality, is comfortable in front of the camera and is able to engage viewers.

(3) Content: The speaker aptly links back to the last vlog by updating viewers on what has transpired since then. This establishes continuity for regular viewers and allows the company to highlight achievements (speaker states that they just finished a successful show where their fruits garnered a lot of interest).
- Corporate vlogs should be a way to connect to customers and build relationships. The speaker conveys his organization’s excitement to work closely with clients. (We’re very eager to work with not just our existing clients but with new clients we made during the show)
- Vlogs should be in real time. The speaker is about to leave for a show and invites viewers to visit the company booth. He entices viewers by briefly sharing about the products at the show.

(4) Ending: Successful vlogs have a regular audience. The speaker gives the audience a sneak preview of the next vlog and in doing so encourages them to tune again.
- Thanking customers and supporters for making a show successful is a great way of nurturing relationships with stakeholders. (It is also a subtle hint to viewers that we have achieved our goals!)
- Directing viewers to the corporate website by stating that the May sales are on is a sure way of drawing visitors to your home page.
- Ending with "See you next week" invites viewers to stay tuned!

Sometimes the best vlogs are short, simple and concise! What are some other characteristics of excellent vlogs? Thoughts anyone? : )


  1. Hey Neha! Like your putting together some guidelines for corporate vlogging.

    Another element that organizations are exploring through vlogs is adding fun & entertainment to comunication. So a lot of the popular vlogs are created around special event, product launch etc. which makes vloging little more informal. Jing, in her blog, referred to vlogs being smart & fun to draw in more audience and giving them something different from regular, more serious corporate communication material.
    You did refer to Blendtec and interestingly I did focus on it's vlog in my last post. Let me know what you think.

  2. That's a good point Paromita. Adding fun and entertainment to vlogs or 'edutainment' as they say is a great way of building a regular audience and nurturing relationships with them.

    Thanks for sharing this useful vlogging tip! : )

  3. I think no.2 is really important. Choosing a lousy spokesperson will ruin the idea of having a nice and effective vlog. He or she needs to pay attention to dress code, speaking styles, just like when he or she talks to someone face to face. It is even more crucial since by vlogging, people can literally play back and be critical. :-)

  4. I think that the playback and the preview of information that you mentioned is important. This really helps individuals follow and want to follow your vlog.

  5. Hi Jing, that's very true! Selecting the right spokesperson is key - he/she can either make or break the vlog! Wonder if they have any specialized workshops on how to create an effective vlog. I'd want to sign up! : )

  6. Absolutely Eileen. : ) You made an effective vlog - I was able to follow you from start to end.
